Showing posts with label Moddy Prawn Blues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moddy Prawn Blues. Show all posts

Grade 3 Piano Exams 2015-2016

(1) Clementi:  Allegro
(2) Satie: The Bonny Gray Ey'd Morn
(3) Scarlatti:  Minuet
(4) W Carrol: A Stormy Coast
(5) Rebikov: The Sheperd Plays his pipe
(6) Barratt (arr) The donkey has died
(7) F. Gellnick: Moddy Prawn Blues
(8) N Iles: September in the rain
(9) P Martin: Jack is sad

ABRSM Piano Exams 2015-2016         Julie Kuok
(Set pieces)
An excellent image consultant would define or refine the image of different clients by having a basic understanding of their outlooks, personalities, life styles and the activities they are attending. With their training on color and shape analysis, they make the clients stand out with individualities. Similarly, a distinguished performer would bring out the meaning of each music with his or her interpretation based on the composers' background, the circumstances under which the pieces were written and an analysis on all musical elements, like tonality, melody, meter, rhythm, harmony, texture, dynamic and articulation indications, etc. He or she would strive to define each piece with its individual character or mood.
Starting from February, I will host a series of 13 episodes (in both English and
Chinese) talking about the ABRSM graded piano exam pieces for 2015-2016.  Based on the music analysis, works will be presented through the use of stories or imageries. I would investigate with the listeners the hidden meaning in the pieces and guide them the way to appreciate music that seems to be incomprehensible. Demonstrations on both good and bad playings are designed to sharpen the critical ears. The additional listening materials are available for enlarging the scope of listening and for the exposure to the different tone color which are indispensable for good music making. I would also share with the listeners some hints on techniques and the concept on good piano playing. In the end of each piece, I will play the entire work myself or pull out the performances by the composers themselves or other distinguished pianists for reference.
This programme is meant to be as entertaining and educational as it can be. Through the 13 episodes, I hope everyone would become an excellent "image consultant" for the exam pieces they choose to play!

 Piano Exams Grade 5